Maintained by:
David J. Birnbaum (
Last modified:
The Annotated Afanas′ev Library is a set of Russian folk fairy tales drawn from the collection published by A. N. Afanas′ev in the first half of the nineteenth century, with linguistic and cultural comments and a small accompanying encyclopedia of Russian fairy tales.
The Annotated Afanas′ev Library was developed initially by David J. Birnbaum and David Galloway as a tool for helping students learn to read Russian fairy tales in the original. Our target user will have completed at least one year of university-level Russian-language study and will have taken or be taking simultaneously a general survey course on Russian fairy tales.
The tales are presented in unmodified form, with three types of annotations:
From the main page, click on a tale title to begin reading. English page references are to the Pantheon edition of Russian fairy tales. Click on a column heading to sort the table according to that column. Click on the count of unique words for a tale to open a sorted list of the words, and click on a word in that list to look it up on Counts are for inflected word forms, not lexemes. Mouse over the initials of contributors to an individual tale to see their names or scroll to the bottom of this page for a complete list.
Within a tale, click on highlighted words to scroll the linguistic commentary panel or click on a raised note number to scroll the cultural commentary panel. Those panels are back-linked to the main text; you can click on an entry in one of the side panels to scroll the main text to the location where the reference appears. Click on the encyclopedia entries at the top of a tale to open the relevant encyclopedia article. Click on the <aal> logo in the upper left corner to return to the main project page.
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The site was originally designed by David J. Birnbaum and David Galloway, and is currently maintained by David J. Birnbaum. Annotations and other content have been contributed by the following persons: Annette Yauger, Annis Benn, Audrey Wood, Daniel Duncan, David Galloway, David J. Birnbaum, Elena Filipova, Hillary Brevig, Jon-Michel Seman, Maria J. Rogers, Sibelan E. S. Forrester.